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Novgorod oblast has a unique location, which is called the transport-geographical. the region is traversed by several highways of federal value and their total length exceeds 55 thousand kilometers. one of the environmental issues in veliky novgorod – the state of atmospheric air. automobile emissions pollute the air, exceeding all the acceptable indicators. annual emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air is about 48-50 thousand tonnes, of which only solids of about 11 thousand tons, gases and liquids – about 37 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide – 2.5 thousand tons, hydrocarbons – 7 thousand tons. the number of enterprises that pollute the environment, acron, chp of jsc "novgorodenergo", jsc "borovichi refractories plant". despite the fact that many enterprises moderniziriruyutsya production base, and new equipment is installed, the environmental situation in general leaves much to be desired. the main problem – air pollution is particularly acute in the major cities of the novgorod region. for example, in staraya russa, the share of transport emissions accounts for about 80 percent of total emissions. only in the last three years the volume of emissions into the air increased by 20 thousand tons. another environmental problem of the region - state water resources. annually by the water users who are in different statuses, forms of ownership, was taken over 130 million cubic meters of clean water. water consumption occurs irreversible way, with almost a third of the water is lost during transportation. the discharge of waste water in pools, local rivers is under the control of the controlling organizations, but the state of pure water is close to the critical point. study of water samples taken in different reservoirs, are the results of about 78 units for the sanitary-chemical indicators, and of the order of 33-35 units for microbiological indicators. experts say that the annual discharge of sewage waters in the volume around 70 million cubic litres. it is from this indicator depends on the quality of drinking water in the region. in the novgorod region there are 72 wastewater treatment facilities and more than 250 stations physical-chemical treatment, they belong to different utilities of the region. in the process of purification of waste water brought to sanmina established norms. but most treatment facilities have already outlived their usefulness and are in poor condition. individual objects are not working effectively and therefore the definition of "insufficiently purified water in the novgorod region is the place to be. environmental experts say that the natural sources of veliky novgorod have their own peculiarities of underground waters have a high content of salts of heavy metals, which affects the quality and security of supply of population with tap water. according to general russian standards for drinking water of velikiy novgorod is classified as "moderately polluted". and this is because the natural sources contain elements of manganese, copper, iron, and purification process is not effective enough. the next problem of the region is the warehousing of hazardous waste which are residues of raw materials and semi-finished products. they are classified as hazardous and moderately hazardous and non-hazardous. hazardous wastes contain toxic, explosive and flammable substances, and placed in special landfills. for example, at the landfill "krasny yar" was recycled over 3 tons of toxic waste. annually at the novgorod landfills utilized up to 400 thousand tons of wastes which are classified as hazardous.

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