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5. Откройте скобки, употребив Past Perfect для обозначения предшествующего действия и Past Indеfinitе для действия, последовавшего за ним.
Модель: After the Captain (to order) th e stevedore (to
stop) loading.
After the Captain had ordered the stevedore
stopped loading.
1. When 1 (to notice) the yacht it already (to go)far away
(далеко). 2. When 1 (to соте) to the railway station the
train already (to lеаvе). 3. The Radio Оfficer (to transmit)
navigational warnings before we (to enter) the radio-room.
4. When 1 (to phone) her she (not to соmе) home yet. 5.
Before we (to change ) the ship's course we (to define) her
latitude and longitude. 6. The engineers (to repair) the
engine after the ship (to pass) the lightvessel Ursus. 7.
The Chief Engineer (to overhaul) the ship's generators
before we (to put to sea).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. very beautiful

2. clean

3. dangerous

4. love playing with people

5. very bad


1. очень красивы

2. чистой

3. опасны

4. любят играть с людьми

5. очень плохо

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