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5. Complete the sentences by putting in the correct form of the adjectives.
1. I think that people in the world live in Tonyo (rich)
2. The house of Mr. Jones is one from the village center (far)
3. This movie is than the one i saw last time (exciting)
4. Julia thinks that her sister is than she is, but i don't think so. (pretty)
5. "Romeo and Juliet is story I have ever heard. (sad)
6. Yout composition is than mine, which means that i am than you are
7. I am younger than my brother Mike, but Bobby is in our family (young)
8. This care is than the one we had last year. ( comfortable)
9. Morino's is restaurant in the town (good)
10. Who is the dam persion in your country? (famous)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. can i help you? h) yes, i'm looking for a party dress, 2. how about this one? c) i'll try it on. 3. where are the changing rooms? e) they are over there. 4. what size are you? a) i'm size 40. 5. does it suit you? f) well, i think it's too small. 6. what colour would you like? d) blue or black, i think. 7. what about this one? i) this is perfect, i' ll take it. 8. can i pay by credit card? b) certainly. 9. how much is it? g) it's only $30.

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