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3 Read the text again and choose the correct
1 In Amsterdam there are about ... cars.
a 250,000
b 1,000,000
c 4,000,000
2 People can't drive ... .
a into the city centre b on the cycle paths
c round the roundabouts
3 It's ... to park your bicycle in Amsterdam.
a easy
b cheap
c difficult
4 Cyclists may need to use ... to cross the river.
a the motorway b a ferry
c a special bridge
5 At the age of twelve, children must... .
a learn to ride a bike b wear a helmet
c take a safety test​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what did mr golovin get yesterday? 2. when mr wooding will phone mr golovin? 3. how many students can come to london? 4. why barbara grey is responsible? 5. who thanked an english colleague for the invitation?

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