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1 My dad cycles to work, but my mum and I ____
because we don’t have bikes.
a walk
b walks
c cycle
2 ____ your sister play in a band?
a Is
b Do

c Does
3 The sun ____ before 5 a.m. in June in London.
a rise
b rises
c is rising
4 At what temperature does water ____?
a freeze
b freezes
c freezing
5 We ____ play basketball after school. We really
enjoy it.
a often
b never
c hardly ever
6 Anita usually ____ to the beach at weekends with
her cousins.
a go
b goes
c not go
7 Tony is ____ late for school because he gets up very
a always
b often
c hardly ever
8 ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’ ‘No thanks. I ____
drink coffee.’
a often
b usually
c never
9 ____ does Luc usually do after school?
a What
b When
c Where
10 ____ teaches you English?
a Who
b Why
c Where
11 What are you doing ____?
a always
b usually
c right now
12 The children ____ in the garden at the moment.
a are playing
b play
c plays
13 Marie is French, but she ____ in Spain until the end
of the year.
a study
b is studying
c are studying
14 ‘Where are you?’ ‘I’m in the kitchen. ____ dinner.’
a I cook
b I’m cooking
c I always cook
15 Eugenia ____ a break right now. She’s very tired.
a take
b takes

c is taking
16 We’re staying with my grandparents ____.
a often
b every Thursday
c for the time being
17 Teresa ____ painting. It’s her favourite hobby.
a is really loving
b really loves
c does really love
18 I ____ you. It’s not true.
a don’t believe
b am believing
c am not believing
19 ‘ ____ at the moment?’ ‘No, he’s on holiday.
He doesn’t work in July.’
a Does Alexander work
b Doesn’t Alexander work
c Is Alexander working
20 ‘Do you like maths?’ ‘Not always, but ____ it right
now because it isn’t too hard.’
a I enjoy
b I’m enjoying
c I’m not enjoying

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. a)
2. b)
3. c)
4. a)
5. a)
6. b)
7. c)
8. c)
9. a)
10. b)
11. c)
12. a)
13. a)
14. b)
15. c)
16. c)
17. b)
18 a)
19. c)
20. a)
4,5(40 оценок)

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. C
20. A

  2)в некоторых школах учебный год начинается раньше 1 сентября. 4)обычно школы открыты с 9 утра до 3: 30/4.00 дня с перерывом на обед в 1 час. перемена в 15 минут может разделять утреннюю и дневную сессию.

Популярно: Английский язык