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Form 8 .Semester II Writing. Variant II

1) be called / south / be divided / population / be known / east / be situated /make up /be washed

1) England is the largest of the countries that __ the UK.

2) England __ to the __ of Wales and to the __ of Scotland.

3) England __ by the North Sea, __ , __ and the Strait of Dover.

4) About 50 million people out the __ of the UK live in England.

5) England __ into areas. These areas __ counties.

6) The counties around London __ as the Home Counties. They are __ and __ .

2) Use articles with geographical names.

1. ___ London stands on ___ river Thames.

2. Is ___ Mississippi longer or shorter than ___ Bug?

3. ___ USA is the biggest country of ___ North America.

4. ___ Lake Ontario is one of the largest lakes in ___ north of ___ United States on the border with ___ Canada.

3) Choose the right form of the verb.

1. When I ... up, it was a lovely day. ( wake / woke / was waking / were waking)

2. He ... very fast when the police stopped him. ( drove / drives / is driving / was driving)

3. When ... she born ? (were / is / was / did)

4. Why did you leave so early ? I ... a good time. (didn't have / hadn't / weren't having / wasn't having)

5. Why are you so hungry ? I got up late and ... time for breakfast. (hadn't / didn't have / don't have / wasn't having)

4) Form the Passive form.

1. George Orwell wrote some famous books. 2. Charles will visit Jack in NYC next year. 3. George and Bill sell old cars. 4. Frank has done all exercises.

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Michelangelo, in full michelangelo di lodovico buonarroti simoni, an italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet. — микеланджело, полное имя микеланджело буонарроти ди лодовико симони, итальянский скульптор, живописец, архитектор, поэт. date of birth: march 6, 1475. — дата рождения: 6 марта 1475. education: humanist academy in florence. — образование: гуманистическая академия во флоренции. most famous works: the statue of david, sistine chapel frescos. — наиболее известные произведения: статуя давида, фрески сикстинской капеллы. additional info: wrote over 300 poems — дополнительная информация: написал более 300 стихотворений quotation: ‘however rich i may have been, i have always lived like a poor man.’ — цитата: «не смотря на то, что я был богатый, я всегда жил как бедняк». date of death: february 18, 1564. — дата смерти: 18 февраля 1564. микеланджело и макиавелли были из флоренции.

Популярно: Английский язык