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1) Jack ( like ) strong tea. 2) Bob and Meg ( like) ice-cream. 3) My dad ( run) in the morning.4) My sister ( speak ) English well. 5) My granny and my mum ( cook ) in the afternoon.6) The pupils ( read) English books. 7) Polly ( see) grey mice in the cage. 8) The little dog ( play ) under the tree. 9) The boys ( ride) bikes on Sunday.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) likes

2) like

3) runs

4) speaks

5) cook

6) read

7) sees

8) plays

9) ride


2 I'm sure you will not have a nice time there

3 the seller will not send the goods to the costumer in a day

4 we would visit the farm in july

5 I will not be carefull with money

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6 will not

7 will haven't

8 would

9 would

10 will not

Популярно: Английский язык