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Переведите предложения:
1. When sodium and potassium hydroxides are treated with an acid they are said to be neutralized.
2. Water supplies of large cities are nearly always treated with small amounts of chlorine for the destruction of bacteria.
3. In order to take advantage of the activity of sodium in liberating hydrogen, an alloy of sodium with lead, or mercury is sometimes used.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Когда гидроксиды натрия и калия обрабатывают кислотой, говорят, что они нейтрализованы.
2. Водоснабжение крупных городов почти всегда обрабатывается небольшим количеством хлора для уничтожения бактерий.
3. Чтобы воспользоваться активностью натрия при выделении водорода, иногда используют сплав натрия со свинцом или ртутью.

I should throw away some things from my life but i cant, because they're important but scary at the same time, those are my thoughts, and my very bad memories, they always tried to scare me! But im a strong person so i dont get scared, i would love to get rid of them but thats really hard, and the bad memories are important because those are my memories that are very scary and i should always remember them to understand in what situation, i was!

But now im thinking about those things positively, because i know im a strong person and i can beat them!


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