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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous.
1. I … (study) Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.
2. My teacher (speak) over the telephone now.
3. We (ski) the whole day tomorrow.
4. While my mother will be cooking supper I (lay) the table.
5. What you (discuss) at the meeting at 7 o’clock?
6. She … (wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.
7. They … (pass) their driving test next Monday.
8. Listen! Why the dogs … (bark)?
9. I (learn) English the whole day tomorrow. I am having my exams soon.
10. The kids … (watch) cartoons in their room now.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I will be studying

2. is speaking

3. will be skiing

4. will be laying

5. were you discussing

6. was wearing

7. will be passing

8. are barking

9. will be learning

10. are watching


Past Continuous или Future Continuous описывают действия, которые не произошли в или будущем, а которые произойдут/произошли в определённое время/момент времени/с периода на период.

Подсказки past continuous - while, whole, from - till.

Подсказки future continuous - whole, at the (o`clock) tomorrow.

Present Continuous описывает то действие, которое происходит прямо сейчас -подсказки now, at the moment, look at!

Укого есть любимый день недели

Популярно: Английский язык