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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в будущем продолженном времени (e.g. will be doing):
1. This time next month I _____________________(sit) on a beach.
2. When you arrive I probably _____________________(pick) fruit.
3. When we reach England it very likely _____________________(rain).
4. When I get home my dog ____________________(sit) at the door waiting for me.
5. –I’ll call for her at eight. –No, don’t; she ______________ still ______________
(have) breakfast then.
6. I _____________________(wait) for you when you come out.
7. When you see me next time, I _____________________(wear) my new dress.
8. My son will be in the sixth form next year and that old Dr Adder
_____________________ (teach) him mathematics.
9. Don’t ring her up at 6.00; she _____________(put) the children to bed. Ring later.
10. You _____________________(do) Financial Analysis next term.
11. –I’ll look out for you at the parade. –Do, but I _____________________(wear)
uniform so you may find it hard to recognise me.
12. We have to do night duty here. I _____________________(do) mine next week.
13. He _____________________(use) the car this afternoon.
14. Stand there, they _____________________(change) the guard in a minute and
you’ll get a good view.
15. –What __________ the children _____________________(do) when we get
home? –I expect they _____________________(have) their supper.
16. The garden _____________________(look) its best next month.
17. It won’t be easy to get out of the country. The police _____________________
(watch) all the ports.
18. _______ you ________________(need) your camera tomorrow or can I borrow it?
19. We’ve just got to the top in time. The sun _____________________(rise) in a
20. We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary _____________________(practise)
the piano all day.

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Ответы на вопрос:


Have you ever eaten shrimps?

Has your sister watched "Titanic"?

Have those sparrows already noticed the cat?

What have the kids found in the old mension?


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3 for

на картинке есть только 3-4 их и сделал

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