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ОТДАЮ ВСЕ СВОИ ПОСЛЕДНИЕ БАЛЛЫ Переделайте предложения, употребляя сослагательное наклонение.

1. She is unhappy because he doesn't love her.....
2. She was so happy yesterday because he told her he loved her.....
3. Glen stayed at home because the weather was bad.....
4. Molly doesn't trust him because she doesn't know him well....
5. He didn't argue because he didn't know the subject well.....
6. I didn't drink the coffee because it wasn't tasty......
7. The child learned the poem quickly because it was easy.....
8. I read a lot because I want to know a lot.....
9. I took the cat home because it looked unhappy......
10. I don't watch TV because I don't have much time......

Употребите глагол в форме сослагательного наклонения.
Ситуация относится к времени.
If I hadnfound him at home I would have told him the news. (to tell)
If so many years hadn't passed would have recognized him. (to pass)

1. If I hadn't been rude to him yesterday we.....(not, to querrel)
2. If she.....away some important paper i wouldn't have been angry (not, to throw)
3. I wouldn't have taken a taxi if I....so much luggage (not, to have)
4. He....his way if you had explained to him how to get there(not, to lose)
5. They.....if you had told there the truth ( to help)
6. He wouldn't have lost his way if you....him (to meet)
7. If you.....the police they would have arrested (to call)
8. If they hadn't been in a hurry they.....to drive you to the station. (not, to refuse)
9. I....everything to you if you had asked me (to explain)
10. If you....me for advice i woudl have advised you to say at home ( to ask)

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. smoke, dont smoke 2.   what does  your father   do in the evening? watches3.4. isnt, is5. loves, visites 

Популярно: Английский язык