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Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1 Greg told that he loved hip-hop music.
2 I asked Bradley what was the film like.
3 Sophie told her sister to being careful.
4 Matt said that he has seen Jan at the gig last month.
5 The teacher told us to don't write in our books.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1.не loved, а love

2.не was, a be

3.не being, a be

4.не seen, a see

5.не don't, a not

Gred said that he loved hip-hop music

I told Bradley what was the film like

Sophie told her sister to be carefu

Matt said that he saw Jan at the gig last month

The teacher told us not to write in our books


1. my mum has a head ache and she is sleeping in bed. 2. i am going to dantist with tooth ache. 3. sudden stomach ache - is sign something bad. 4. i ate snow and got a sore throat. 5. backache can be very long. 6. the earache can be sign of inflammation (воспаления) 7. the sore eyes can be from sitting at the computer. 8. i broke a finger and i have a sore thumb. всё сделано лично мной. копирование запрещено©

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