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Many years ago two friends went to a very small town. Their names were Joe and Tom.
It was dark when they came to a little inn. They asked for a room with two beds. The owner of the inn showed them a room and gave them a candle because there was no lamp in the room.
When they came to the room Joe dropped the candle. It became very dark. They found the door of the room and went in. They took the clothes off and went to bed. The bed was very big, and by mistake they went into the same bed. Tom on one side, and Joe – on the other.
After some time Joe said : “ You know, Tom, there is a man in my bed. Here are his feet near my head.”
“ Yes, Joe, there is a man in my bed, too.”
“ Let us push them off our beds.”
They began to push each other and soon two heavy bodies fell on the floor.
“ Joe,” cried Tom , “ my man is stronger than I. He pushed me down to the floor.”
“ I am on the floor, too,” answered Joe. “ I think we must go and tell the owner of the inn about it.”

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Ответы на вопрос:

Percy Island which is covered in tropical jungle has golden beaches.  (d)

The room, which he gave me, had a marvelous view.  (n-d)

The place, where we spent most of our time, was the swimming pool.  (n-d)

My grandparents who are in their sixties are going on a cruise.  (d)

A guide is a person who takes people around places of interest.  (d)

Who is the woman that you were talking to? I'm going to stay in Athens where my brother has a flat.  (d)

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