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3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

A: Last summer we (1. go)... to Paris.

B: (2. you/have)... a good time?

A: It (3. be)... fantastic! We (4. not/want)... to leave.

B: What (5. you/do)... there?

A: We (6. stay)... in a luxurious hotel and we (7. see)... the Eiffel Tower.

B: (8. you/plan)... anything for this summer?

A: Well, I (9. not/think)... so. We (10. be)... too busy this year.

4. Complete the exchanges.

1) Can I take this seat? — Yes,....

2) May I use your bike? — No, I’m ....

3) Can I borrow your book? — Yes, that’s ...

4) Can I go home earlier? — OK. No ....

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Ответы на вопрос:

1kate said to me that she had finished that textbook.she added it had been interesting. 2he asked if that lady had been a singer. 3the am.r.m.said that r.was a great country. 4she asked why we went home so early. 5granny told us not to go to turkey that summer. 6her father told her he would earn the money by all means. 7my brother wondered if he should go abroad or stay at home.

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