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1)"Where is the teacher?"Mary asked me.
2)Mr.Tyler asked me"What time do you eat dinner?"
3)Bob asked Charles "Why arent you in school?"
4)"Who is your favourite actor?"Mary asked Betty
5)Tom said to me "Whose camera did you use?"
6)The teacher asked me "What country are you from?"
7)The owner asked Tom "How did the window get broken?"

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Ответы на вопрос:

The first pizzeria was mentioned was the pizzeria, which was opened in italian neapol in 1738. the pizzeria was called antica pizzeria. in the usa people eat over 350 parts of pizza every minute. just imagine, it is around 60 parts every minute! the record of the biggest pizza was got in norvuda, uar in 1990. it had 37,4 meters diametr, and it weighed over 12 tons.

Популярно: Английский язык