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эти предложения написать в пассивном залоге в английском:
1)A New hospital___(visit) by the Queen Last morning.
2)The New art gallery____(open) next week.
3)An electron microscope____(use) to examine thinhs the eye can't see.
4)In the future, crime___(fight) in different ways.
5)Janet's paintings____(exhibit) fight now at the art gallery on Connor Street.
6)His friends__(see) at the presentation next Sunday.
7)Antonio____(award)first prize in the art competition Last month.
8)My room___(paint) right now.
9)The novel"1984"_____(write)by George Orwell.
10)The first DVD players___(introduce) in the 1980s​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1) was visited 2) will be opened 3) is used 4) will be fought 5) are exhibited 6) will be seen 7) was awarded 8) is painted 9) was written 10) were introduced




1. Hi, I am Alice

I Have not get a sister

2. Hi, I am John

We have got two pets


Популярно: Английский язык