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Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
John has had the ball_________ last July.
He has had the ball _________ eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.
Steven has been a worker_________ he left school
We have had three tests _________ Tuesday.
The couple have stayed here _________ three days.
I have had my player _________ ten weeks.
Molly has had the player_________ Christmas.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Since, for, since,for, since, since, since, for, for, since. Since- с какого-то определённого момента. С понедельника- since Monday, for- процесс происходил в течение определённого промежутка времени, в течение 2-х лет- for 2 years.


Has graduated

Has been playing


Been cooking

Have been loking

Have been doing.

Популярно: Английский язык