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Составьте с данными словами и фразами предложения в Present Simple or Present Continuous и запишите их.
1. at the moment
2.on Sundays
3.in the summer
5.right now
6.in the winter

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I am doing an exercise at the moment.

2. I cycle on Sundays.

3. I swim in the river in summer.

4. I always do my homework.

5. I am having dinner right now.

6. I play snowballs in winter.

7. I never miss classes.


Yura was walking down the street. lena was getting out of the bus. kate and poly were entering the market. alex was watching tv. victor and boris were getting out of the taxi. denis was painting a picture.

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