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а) the б) − в) a г) an

№ 2. Fill in the proper preposition:

He has been away ... last week.

а) ago б) while в) for г) since

№ 3. Mark the proper form of an adjective.

а) aggressive б) agree в) pleasure г) agreement

№ 4. Mark the right answer.

He left the house without saying ... word.

а) a б) few в) a lot of г) little

№ 5. Mark the appropriate pronoun.

I checked the answers. Two of … were wrong.

а) it б) they в) its г) them

№ 6. Mark the proper answer.

Winter comes early, ... the growing season is short.

а) so б) or в) over г) as

№ 7. Mark the correct modal verb.

Other people got cabs. Why ... we?

а) can б) may not в) mustn’t г) couldn’t

№ 8. Mark the appropriate modal verb.

I’ve got toothache. I … go to the dentist.

а) must б) will not в) couldn’t г) have got

№ 9. Mark the proper form of the verb:

How many languages … you …? Three: English, French, Portuguese.

а) do/speaking б) does/speaking в) does/speak г) do/speak

№ 10. Mark the proper form of the verb:

I … my teeth every morning.

а) to brush б) brushes в) brush г) brushing​

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1. any

2. some




6. any


Популярно: Английский язык