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From table to Table

Just like food is different from county to county so are table manners. Before you

travel to another country there are a few things you should know about mealtimes

around the world.

At a table in England, it's rude to lick your fingers or your knife. You need to be

careful when eating soup. Don't slurp or make noise while eating it. It is also

impolite to start eating before your host has served everyone at the table. Try not to

put your arms on the table and, finally, don't take food from your neighbour's plate.

In France it is important to always say 'please' and 'thank you' to people serving at

the table. When eating bread, break off a piece with your fingers rather than use a

knife. When you are at a restaurant and haven't finished your food make sure you

don't leave your fork and knife on your plate as this is a signal for the waiter to

take your plate.

For most meals in Saudi Arabia people sit on the floor or at a low table with

cushions. Remember to cross your legs when you sit. Eat only with your right hand

because most Saudi Arabians think the left hand is not clean. It is polite to try all of

the food that the host serves. Saudi Arabians usually don't say much when they eat

as they really want to enjoy the food. Finally, it is okay to burp after a meal, as it

tells the host that you liked the food.

Mark the sentences true or false

1 English people wait for their host to finish serving before they start their meal.

2 In England, it is acceptable to eat from someone else's dish.

3 French people use knives to cut their bread.

4 In France, waiters take your plate when they see your fork and knife on it.

5 People in Saudi Arabia sit on a chair to have a meal.

6 The Saudi Arabians talk a lot during mealtime.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. telling. я признаю, что врал тебе. 2. to go. она предпочитает водить своих детей к стоматологу каждые пол года. 3. to discuss. ты хочешь обсудить этот вопрос? 4. smoking. он не позволяет курить в офисе. 5. opening. донна заинтересована в том, чтобы открыть бар

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