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National Emblems in Great Britain
The red rose was the emblem of Lancastrians, the white rose that of the Yorkists,
the two Houses fighting for the English throne in the War of Roses. But their
struggle ended by marriage of Henry VII, the Lancastrian with Princess Elizabeth,
the Yorkist. The red rose has since become the emblem of England.
The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. It happened in very old times when
Norsemen wanted to settle in this country. They came close to the Scots’ camps in
the night and wanted to kill them in their sleep. That’s why they took off their
shoes so as to make no noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and
screamed. The Scots woke up and put the enemy to flight.
The leek is the emblem of Wales. Welshmen all over the world celebrate their
national holiday St David’s Day by wearing leeks. They do it because they believe
St David have lived for several years on bread and wild leeks.
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1state 2 the supreme court - federal courts 3 original 4 district courts- the us courts of appeals. 5 a higher court-in lower courts.

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