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Passive Voice.

I. Open the brackets.

1. The invitations ( send) to the guests tomorrow.
2. The secretary said that the letters already (post).
3. How … this word (pronounce)?
4. He was told a new dormitory (build) the following year.
5. The electric light bulb (invent) by Thomas Edison.
6. The company has reduced the number of employees and all salaries (cut).
7. Many accidents (cause) by careless driving.
8. When we entered the classroom the test (write) by the students.
9. This room looks different. …it (paint)?
10. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It (redecorate).
11. They (take) sightseeing in an hour.
12. When we got to the stadium we found that the game (cancel).
13. These’s somebody behind us. I think we (follow).
14. The roof of the building (damage) in a storm a few days ago.

II. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Книги Достоевского читают во всем мире.
2. Его книги очень хорошо продаются.
3. Мне сказали, что посылку(a parcel) отправили.
4. Когда была написана эта картина?
5. Мое новое платье не мнется(crease),к тому же оно хорошо стирается.
6. Посмотри! Цветы поливают в саду.
7. Новый стадион построят в нашем городе в следующем году.

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