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Выберите правильный вариант и запишите предложение. Обращайте внимание на то слово, которое является подлежащим. Неодушевлённое существительное не может выполнять действие.
1. The news programme (is watched/wathed) by millions of people every day.
2. The Mona Liza (painted/was painted) by Leonardo day Vinchi.
3. The new cinema (be built/will be built) next year.
4. New pop groups (are much spoken/is much spoken) about among teenagers.
5. Alexander Pushkin's first poem (was written/written) when he was fourteen.
6. The letters (be sent/will be sent) by post tomorrow.
7. The translation (was finished/were finished) two hours ago.
8. Lindon (visited/is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year.
9. The dinner (be/will be) ready in a hour.
10. The dogs (were taken out/was taken out) three times yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-без is
2 was painted
3 will be build
4are much spoken
5 written
7 was finished
10 was taken out

1.Water melts if you heat it.

2. If you study hard ,you will pass the entrance exam.

3.If she was younger, she would take up sports.

4.If you had told me you needed help, i would gave it to you.

5.I would go to the USA if I would be rich.

6. If we will train harder, we would have beaten the rivals.

1.Kate takes after her mum, she is a good swimmer.

2. You should take off your shoes before you enter the house.

3. I`d like to take up tennis on my weekends.

4. The plane will take off in an hour.

5. My uncle took up golf when he retired.

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