Есть ответ 👍

Из трёх вариантов ответов один, который является неверным.
1. Devon, get home / ready / dressed for school now, please.
2. Jack helps me with / gets ready / tells me to do my homework.
3. Mum wants me to do the cooking / the vacuuming / for school now.
4. I make my bed /a snack / the ironing every morning.
5 We eat and then we go ready for school / home / to bed.
6. I do the washing up / the washing/a mess in my house.
7. Who does the cooking / bed / shopping in your family?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 dressed for school now,plz
2. Jack help me with
3. Mum wants...
4 I make my bed
5 we eat and then...
6I do the washing up
7shopping in your family.

2. masha helps her parents. she helps them to look after her brother.

3. cinderella helps her stepmother. she helps her about the house.

4. wendy helps her brothers. she reads them tales.

5. nana helps mrs darling. she helps her to look after the children.

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