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Grammar 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to / don't have to or must / mustn't.

Sophie_________ get up early tomorrow. She's catching a train at 6 am.
Jerry___________ go to Mary's party, but he can go if he wants to.
You___________ smoke in the school. It's against the rules.
William_____________ work harder if he wants to pass his exams.
'Do I______________ show my passport at the airport?' 'Yes, you do.'
You___________ be 16 before you can get married.

3. Circle the correct alternatives.

Our local social club (a) opens / opened five years ago. It's the (b) best / better place to go in the evening. There aren't too (c) much / many people there, and it's (d) more / much interesting than staying at home. In the club, children under 16 (e) can't / aren't allowed to go into the bar by themselves. If they want to enter the bar, they (f) can / have to go with an adult, and, of course, they (g) aren't allowed / mustn't to drink alcohol. There (h) is / are a family room, and it's (i) easyer / easier to get a drink in there. Children (j) don't have to / mustn't be with an adult to go into that room. There is also a members' room. If I (k) want / wanted to become a member, I'd have to pay (l) many / a lot of money. Of course, you (m) aren't allowed / mustn't go in there ifyou aren't a member. A few years ago, people (n) could / were allowed smoke in the bar, but they (o) aren't allowed / can't to smoke there now. And you (p) can't / don't have to smoke in the members' room. If anybody wants to smoke, they (q) will must / must go outside.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Don't have to:

You don't have to go to the shop. I have been there today.

I didn't have to get up ear;y yesterday, as I had a day off.

My eyesight is getting worse. I'll have to wear glasses.


You mustn't do it!

You mustn't go outside!

She mustn't walk there.


You must see this film!

She must do it every day, it is my duty.

You must wash the dishes. It's your turn.


Can you do me a favour?

Can I go there?

You can go to the park.


I don't need to do it.

Need I do it now?

He doesn't need to do his homework right now.


May I come in?

May I take this toy?

Подробнее - на -


Sophie has to get up early tomorrow. She's catching a train at 6 am.

Jerry does not have to go to Mary's party, but he can go if he wants to.

You must not smoke in the school. It's against the rules.

William has to work harder if he wants to pass his exams.

'Do I have to show my passport at the airport?' 'Yes, you do.'

You must be 16 before you can get married.

Our local social club (a) opened five years ago. It's the (b) best  place to go in the evening. There aren't too (c) much  people there, and it's (d) more  interesting than staying at home. In the club, children under 16 (e) aren't allowed to go into the bar by themselves. If they want to enter the bar, they (f)  have to go with an adult, and, of course, they (g) aren't allowed to drink alcohol. There (h) is a family room, and it's (i)  easier to get a drink in there. Children (j) don't have to  be with an adult to go into that room. There is also a members' room. If I (k)  wanted to become a member, I'd have to pay (l)  a lot of money. Of course, you (m)  mustn't go in there if you aren't a member. A few years ago, people (n) could  smoke in the bar, but they (o) aren't allowed  to smoke there now. And you (p) can't smoke in the members' room. If anybody wants to smoke, they (q) must go outside.


Autumn - time for a changes . as the yellow leaves us back the old, forgotten friends. it's back just for a moment

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