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1) Fill in the correct pronoun (Впиши подходящее по смыслу местоимение).

1. ‘I like my new job.’ — Diane said that.....liked.....new job.
2. We haven’t got a key.’ — My parents said.....didn’t have a key.
3. ‘This is a strange thing,’ Sally said. — Sally said that.... was a strange thing.
ответьте Поставь глагол в нужную форму в косвенной речи).

1. ‘I don’t speak Spanish,’ said Sarah. — Sarah said that she......, Spanish.
2. ‘I saw Jimmy in the supermarket yesterday,’ she said. — She said that she..... Jimmy in the supermarket the day before.
3. Mr Smith said, ‘My car is gone!’ — Mr Smith said that his car......

3) Fill in the correct pronoun (Впиши подходящее по смыслу местоимение).

1. ‘I’ve lost my watch.’ — He said.....had lost watch.
2. Mike said to me, ‘You look tired.’ — Mike said that.....looked tired.
3. ‘I am so busy these days.’ — Jack said that he was very busy.....days.

4) Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Make all necessary changes (Перепиши предложения в косвенной речи, производя все необходимые изменения).

1. ‘You may come with me,’ Liza said to me. —
Liza said that.......

2. ‘You should call her as soon as possible,’ the boss said to me. —
The boss said to me that......

3. ‘Where did you find this book?’ he said. —
He asked me....

5) Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Make all necessary changes (Перепиши предложения в косвенной речи, производя все необходимые изменения).

1. ‘I can’t afford to buy this dress,’ said Sally. —
Sally said that......

2. ‘I don’t like that jacket,’ said Bob. —
Bob said that......

3. ‘I found this note under the sofa,’ said Sarah. —
Sarah said that.....
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