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Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие причастия и деепричастия на английский язык (глагол-основа дан в скобках)

(buy) покупающий; купленный; покупая;
(read) читающий; прочитанный; читая;
(give) дающий; данный; давая;
(take) берущий; взятый; беря;
(say) говорящий; сказанный; говоря;
(do) делающий; сделанный; делая;
(paint) рисующий; нарисованный; рисуя;
(play) играющий; сыгранный; играя.

Упражнение 2. Образуйте Participle I или Participle II от глаголов в скобках.

The teacher was … (disappoint) with the test results.
Jack’s answer was … (disappoint).
I went to the exhibition of French art last week and I was very much … (impress).
We saw a lot of … (fascinate) paintings.
I was so … (excite) that I couldn’t say a word.
The trip to the mountains was so … (excite) — we enjoyed every minute of it.
I’m … (bore) — I have nothing to do.
The lecture was so … (bore) that a few listeners fell asleep.
We liked the Room of Horrors but some of the tricks were rather … (frighten).
It was raining so heavily that the little puppy got … (frighten) and hid under the bed.
Little John’s questions were … (surprise).
We were … (surprise) at the news.

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Brown - коричневый yellow - желтый blue - голубой

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