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ответ оформляем «цифра –
временная форма»
1 Anna …. (work) on her computer for two hours before it…..(break down) .
2 He …. (mop) the floor while his brother was cutting the grass.
3 …. (you / sleep) when the earthquake ….. (happen) ?
4 This time last week, I …. ( fly) to Paris.
5 Jack was really happy because he …. (pass) all his exams.
6 Johanna … (clean) the house by the time her parents … (come) back.
7 Jane … (wait) for a while and then … (open) the door to see who … (make) that strange noise.
8 Mary … (not/go) shopping because she … (spend) the morning with her little brother that day.
3. Read the letter and put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense. ответ
оформляем «цифра – временная форма»
Dear Paul,
Hello! How is your life in Hawaii?
I’m writing to you because I’m building a dog robot. I 1) ….. (take) it to my teacher to help me
finish it at the end of this week. By the time you read this, it 2) …. (perform) tasks for 5 days,
which is 35 days in dog years! So far, it can bring items, but when I finish it, it 3) … (learn) many
other commands, such as feeding other dogs and chasing cats. I think you 4)…. ( love) it.
Write back soon with any suggestions.
4. Find the correct present tense. ответ оформляем «цифра и выбранный вами вариант
1 Are you doing / do you do anything special tonight?
2 Susan is allergic to dairy products. She hasn’t eaten/ hasn’t been eating chocolate for years.
3 Sam thinks / is thinking about moving to a bigger house in the countryside.
4 Marion has been working / is working for this company for ten years now.
5 You look / are looking very pale. Is everything OK?
6 The film starts / has started at 22:00 pm. We must be at the cinema by 21:30.

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In winter you can visit the christmas market in the old town. it takes place on the town square. there is a beautiful christmas tree in the center of the square. each person can hang on this tree his or her wishes. christmas tree is also decorated with toys and lights. you can buy clothes, toys and sweets at the fair.

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