Определи, какая речь — прямая или косвенная — используется в данных предложениях).

1. Mary said that her car had been stolen.
Direct speech
Reported speech

2. My Grandma says that apples are healthy.
Direct speech
Reported speech

3. She asked me to give her the flowers.
Direct speech
Reported speech

2) Fill in the correct pronoun (Впиши подходящее по смыслу местоимение).

1. ‘We painted our house red.’ — My friends said that had painted house red.
2. ‘I’m very busy’. — She said was very busy.
3. ‘I am so busy these days.’ — Jack said that he was very busy days.

3) Write the correct form of the verb in reported speech (Поставь глагол в нужную форму в косвенной речи).

1. ‘My house is not far from the town center,’ she said. — She said that her house far from the town center.
2. ‘I saw Jimmy in the supermarket yesterday,’ she said. — She said that she Jimmy in the supermarket the day before.
3. Mary said, ‘I have bought some milk.’ — Mary said that she some milk.

4) Fill in the correct pronoun (Впиши подходящее по смыслу местоимение).

1. ‘We painted our house red.’ — My friends said that had painted house red.
2. ‘I can’t go to the party.’ — Henry said couldn’t go to the party.
3. ‘Susan has lost her passport this week.’ — Mary said that Susan had lost her passport week.

5) Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Make all necessary changes (Перепиши предложения в косвенной речи, производя все необходимые изменения).

1. Mike said, ‘I’m looking for a new job.’ —
Mike said that .

2. Mother said to me, ‘We’ll meet you at the station at 5 o’clock.’ —
Mother said that .

3. ‘How can I get to the post office?’ the stranger said to me. —
The stranger asked me .

6) Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Make all necessary changes (Перепиши предложения в косвенной речи, производя все необходимые изменения).

1. Robert said, ‘This film is so funny.’ —
Robert said that .

2. ‘I don’t like that jacket,’ said Bob. —
Bob said that .

3. ‘I found this note under the sofa,’ said Sarah. —
Sarah said that .

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