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Спишите предложения.Для каждого предложения подберите необходимое прилагательное (по степени сравнения). Переведите каждое предложение на русский язык (перевод каждого предложения запишите в скобках).
1. Dan is (taller / tallest) than Sam.
2. Tom is ( a better / the best) football player in the school.
3. John is (braver / the bravest) than Mike.
4. Emily is (a more famous / the most famous) young singer in our town.
5. Jack is (a smarter / the smartest) pupil in the class.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dan is taller than Sam. (Дэн выше чем Сэм)

Tom is the best football player in the school. (Том Лучший футбольный игрок/футболист в школе

John is braver than Mike.(Джон смелее чем Майк)

Emily is the most famous young sister in our town. (Эмили самая известная/популярная молодая сестра в нашем городе)

Jack is the smartest pupil in the class(Джэк самый умный человек в классе)

Dan is taller than Sam. (Дэн выше чем Сэм)

Tom is the best football player in the school. (Том Лучший футбольный игрок/футболист в школе

John is braver than Mike.(Джон смелее чем Майк)

Emily is the most famous young sister in our town. (Эмили самая известная/популярная молодая сестра в нашем городе)

Jack is the smartest pupil in the class(Джэк самый умный человек в классе)

Подробнее - на -


Please be patient. The train will arrive any minute. (patient - терпимый)

Tom works long hours and even goes to work on Saturdays. He's very hard-working. (hard-working - усердно работающий)

Tina loves skiing in winter and always plays tennis in summer. She's quite athletic. (athletic - спортивный)

Don't be so curious! She will tell you her secret if she wants to. (curious - любопытный)

A determined person does everything to achieve his/her goals. (determined - решительный)

She's quite imaginative because she always makes up stories. (imaginative - одаренный богатым воображением)


Amy is the girl with straight dark hair.

Did you see the man with a beard?

Samantha has got curly hair.

The little girl has got a cute face.

Josh is very tall and slim.

Her hair is shoulder-length.


Did you see the boy, who has short dark hair and blue eyes?

Please explain, why you did that!

The girl, whose hair is wavy is my younger sister.

This is the park, where people usually play football.

Is this the book, that you gave him yesterday?

John, whose younger brother is in our class lives in our neighbourhood.

This is a place, where I saw your puppy.

This is the reason, why she didn't come to party.

Tina, whose brother is a professional swimmer, goes to our school.


This iwas a really boring film. I didn't like it at all.

I'm always tired after work.

The instructions were very confusing. We didn't know what to do.

She is quite interested in biology.

Why are you so worried about the situation?

We are terrified of spiders!


They went to the cinema yesterday.

She was doing her homework when her friend called.

When she was younger she played tennis after school.

They didn't know the answer to that question.

Mum was cooking lunch when I came home.

Peter passed the English exam easily.


A famous tall French actor;  

A new wooden yellow chair;

A beautiful silver old necklace;  

A new blue plastic box.


Is yout mum a cook? That must be a very interesting job.Yes, she is. She loves cooking but she sometimes has to work long hours.Oh really? Does she work every day?Almost. She works 6 days a week but sometimes she has a whole week off.I guess that’s not too bad then. Does she cook delicious meals at home?Oh yes, she cooks the best salads!

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