Есть ответ 👍

Задай общий во и напиши краткий положительный и отрицательный ответ.
1) I will buy a new dress.
2) He will fly a kite.
3) They will invite Meg to the party.
4)Fred will help his mum.
5) The children will go to bed at 9 o'clock.
6) My granny will go to the market.
7)The cat will play with the ball.
8) The boys will make a snowman.
9) I will cook breakfast.
Задай специальный во и напиши перевод вы слова .
1) Helen will help her granny in the garden.
Where will Helen help her granny? ( №1 это дан образец )
2) Ted will go for a walk soon.
3) The doctor will come today.
4) Ann will take good photos.
5) Nick will leave next week.
6) I will visit Paris next month.
7) We will have three cats.
How many ----------------------
8) The kids will sing a song at the concert tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Моему брату 24.он бармен и учиться на 4 курсе в липецком  институте кооперации                                                                                            my brother 24.he bartender and learn a 4th year in lipetsk institute for  cooperation

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