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Complete the sentences using a verb from the list below.
snow, win, walk, rain, watch, forget, not sleep, not clean, borrow
1 The streets were wet. It ........... that morning.
2 Karen was locked out of her house. She............. to take her keys.
3 My sister was angry with me. I.......... her dress without asking.
4 Gary's shoes were dirty. He ............ through mud.
5 The house was a mess. He ............ it for over a month.
6 The streets were covered with snow. It.,.......... heavily the night before.
7 Torn was exhausted. He.......... well.
8 Helen was very frightened. She............ a horror film.
9 Alan bought a large house and an expensive car. He........... the lottery.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 The streets were wet. It had rained that morning.

2 Karen was locked out of her house. She had forgotten to take her keys.

3 My sister was angry with me. I had borrowed her dress without asking.

4 Gary's shoes were dirty. He had walked through mud.

5 The house was a mess. He hadn't cleaned it for over a month.

6 The streets were covered with snow. It had snowed heavily the night before.

7 Torn was exhausted. He hadn't slept  well.

8 Helen was very frightened. She had watched a horror film.

9 Alan bought a large house and an expensive car. He had won the lottery.    

Уэн уи нид ту бай самзин, уи гоу ту зэ стор. мэни пипл лайк ту гоу шоппинг, эсписиэйли вумен. зеара мэни диферен тайп оф сторс, сач ас департмэн стор, гросери супермаркетс, шопс анд фэмайл мэнс клоузинг, гроусири, мит, бэкери. зэ нитвеа дипертмэн, ту бай садиганс, свитерс, вулен, джекитс, пуловерс виз лонг о шорт сливс. ин зэ департмэн селс э вэриэйти оф перфумс косметикс, сач ас крим, поудэ, шампу анд лотьонс. ин супермаркетс энд гроусери стор байэр кэн бай фиш, соусидж, шугэ, паста , флу, ти. зэ батчэр шоп лардж вариэйти оф бердс анд мит. бэкери ю кэн бай уайт анд блэк

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