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I. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Took, fee, shining, extra-curricular, rehearsal, martial, occasional, crash,
negotiation, faint-hearted
1. The tuition ….. at this university is very high.
2. He did a four-week ……. test.
3. The singer will have one last …….. before the performance.
4. Sky- diving is not for the ……….
5. Steve is good at his job, however, he still makes ……… errors.
6. A good lawyer must have strong ………. skills.
7. I really enjoy …… arts.
8. She takes parts in many ……… activities.
9. Mark is a ………. example for young people everywhere.
10. The beautiful lake just ……. my breath away.
II. Complete the sentences with a word form from the word in capitals.
1. I live in a quiet ……….. NEIGHBOUR
2……….. is very important for everyone. FRIEND
3. He won a ………… to study History. SCHOLAR
4. He had a happy …… . CHILD
5. She has good ……….. with her classmates. RELATION
III. Match headings 1-8 with the paragraphs A-G.
1. Forbidden to bring in 5. Only for the lucky ones
2. Environmentally friendly 6. For all tastes
3. Linguistically diverse 7. Having much in common
4. What animal was it? 8. A wet and hot place

A. There are only three city-states in the world. One of them is Singapore, a small
country in South East Asia. It can be named a modern equivalent to the Italian
medieval Venice. Both cities are built on islands and became wealthy by trade.
Like medieval Venice, Singapore is an independent city-state and is governed by a
small group of powerful politicians and businessmen.

B. The Malay word for the country, ‘Singapura’, means Lion City. Modern
Singapore is full of numerous lion statues. According to legend, the founder of
Singapore named his kingdom Lion City because he saw a lion on the island and
decided that it was a sign of good luck. However, zoologists doubt that he could
see a lion because there is no evidence that lions have ever lived there. More likely,
he saw a tiger or another kind of big cat, native to the area.

C. From an extremely humid but sunny morning to a gloomy and rainy afternoon,
and then to a cloudy, starless night sky; Singapore is predictable in its
unpredictable climate. A week of terrible heat follows a week of non-stop rainfall.
In general, tourists think February is the best month to visit the country. The
citizens of Singapore disagree. They think that any time is good – you just have to
accept the hot and rainy weather.

D. Singapore has three main communities. The largest group is the Chinese, then
come the Malays and the smallest group is the Indians. But there are four official
languages in the country – Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. Although English
is the language of government, television and universities, the national anthem
Majulah Singapura is actually sung in Malay.

E. Singapore is considered to be one of the healthiest places in the world. One of
the reasons is the tasty and healthy national cuisine of the city-state. The citizens
have a vast choice that includes Chinese shark fin soup, traditional Indian food,
Indonesian fried noodles and English tea with a dessert. It is worth saying that
regardless of the level of the restaurant and the price, the food is always fresh and
of a high quality.

F. Unlike in most countries, citizens of Singapore cannot just buy a car. The island
is densely populated and the government tries to regulate the number of cars on the
road. To own a car, a citizen must enter his or her name in a lottery that is drawn
twice a month. If the citizen wins the lottery, he or she is granted a Certificate
which allows them to own a car for 10 years. Then it is necessary to pay a
registration fee, which is 140% of the value of the car.

G. When you are in Singapore you can’t buy chewing gum anywhere. It is illegal
to import or sell gum in the country. The sale of gum was prohibited in 1992 after
gum was used to shut down the SMRT, the country’s public transportation system.
The gum was stuck on the sensor doors and the system was paralyzed. The
punishment for importing gum into the country is a year in prison and a big fine.

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Once I was in the summer camp Computeria, it is located in Russia in the city of Tver, I went there with a dance team, there we had discos, a computer room, cinema in the evenings, as well as sports and intellectual games. I met very cool guys. At night we told each other terrible stories, after which we could not sleep. In the morning we had a training session, after which we went to have breakfast. We were fed 4 times a day, and you could also go to buy something sweet from the machine. The camp area was huge and it was very difficult to follow us, I also think the parents were worried about us and for this case the camp administration came up with putting cameras everywhere in public places where parents could watch the child online. This camp was the best I have been to. I hope I'll get there again.

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