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Сравнительные конструкции с прилагательными

I Translate into Russian
1.This book is not so interesting as that one
2.The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea
3.My brother is not as tall as you are
4.Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday
5.Your room is as light as my room
6.John knows Russian as well as English
7.Mary is not so lazy as her brother
8.English as difficult as German
9.My composition is not as long as your
10.It is not as warm today as it was yesterday
11.A football match is not as exciting as a hockey match
12.The hotel is not as cheap as we expected
13.His songs aren’t as popular as the Beatles’ songs
14.Her brother is as intelligent as his wife
15.The old dictionary is not so good as the new one

Translate the sentences into English
1.Он такой усталый, как она
2.Этот дом такой высокий, как тот
3.Сегодня вода в реке не такая теплая, как вчера
4.Ты не такой умный, как папа
5.Индия не такая большая, как Китай
6.Темза такая красивая, как Нева
7.Яблоки такие вкусные, как сливы
8.Днепр не такой длинный, как Волга
9.В году август был такой жаркий, как июнь
10.Папа умнее тебя
11.Эрмитаж богаче Русского музея
12.Груши вкуснее яблок
13.Эта работа легче той
14.Эта комната светлее той
15.Наш телевизор такой современный, как этот
16.Его машина дешевле, чем моя
17.Зима холоднее, чем лето
18.Их дом такой красивый, как наш
19.В Москве ветры не такие сильные, как в Лондоне
20.Этот рассказ интереснее, чем тот

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1. Эта книга не так интересна, как эта

2. Балтийское море не такое теплое, как Черное море

3. Мой брат не такой высокий, как ты

4.Сегодня ветер такой сильный, как вчера

5. Ваша комната такая же светлая, как моя комната

6. Джон знает русский и английский

7. Мэри не такая ленивая, как ее брат

8. Английский так сложно, как немецкий

9. Моя композиция не такая длинная, как ваша

10. Сегодня не так тепло, как вчера

11. Футбольный матч не такой захватывающий, как хоккейный

12. Отель не так дешево, как мы ожидали

13. Его песни не так популярны, как песни Битлз

14. Ее брат такой же умный, как и его жена

15. Старый словарь не так хорош, как новый

1.He is so tired as she is

2.This house is as tall as that

3.Today, the water in the river is not as warm as yesterday

4. You're not as smart as dad

5. India is not as big as China

6. Theme is as beautiful as Neva

7.Apples as delicious as plums

8. Dnieper is not as long as the Volga

9. Last year, August was as hot as June

10 dad is smarter than you

11. The Hermitage is richer than the Russian Museum

12. Pears are tastier than apples.

13. This job is easier than that.

14. This room is lighter than that.

15. Our TV is as modern as this.

16.His car is cheaper than mine.

17 winter is colder than summer.

18. Their house is as beautiful as ours.

19. In Moscow, the winds are not as strong as in London.

20.This story is more interesting than that.

The day was wonderful. My friend and I rode bikes. And suddenly they saw a very beautiful bird, I ran and fell into a puddle, then my friend also fell

into a puddle, we looked like two little pigs, it became funny to us from the way we look. We forgot about the fact that we were catching a bird and went home. Now we remember it very often

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