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I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1) If you make lunch, I……the dishes.

a) will do b) would do c) do d) don’t do

2) If it……so cold, we’d go for a swim.

a) isn’t b) won’t be c) wasn’t d) will be

3) If we weren’t tired, we … go to the party.

a) would b) will c) did d) had

4) If they … by plane, they’ll get there much quicker.

a) go b) will go c) went d) gone

5) He … very unhappy if my friends didn’t come to my party.

a) would have been b) will be c) would be d) will

6) I will cook a festive dinner that you return from the country in time.

a) provided b) if c) and d) the

7) He will not get up somebody wakes her.

a) the b) or c) and d) unless

8) If it isn’t sunny, they……to the beach.

a) went b) didn’t go c) won’t go d) gone

II. Подберите к первой части условных предложений (из первого столбика) их окончание (из второго столбика):

9) If I go on a diet a) we’ll make a snowman.

10) If John doesn’t hurry с) I’ll buy you some sweets.

11) If it snows f) she’ll have to take a taxi.

12) If there are no buses d) I’ll lose weight.

13) If you are a good girl e) he’ll be late.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. p.prog.

2. думаю pr. perf.

3.p. prog




what did you do yesterday? не знаю

when did you go to bed? -late.

i watched a new film yesterday. -really? ! was it interesting?

when were you doing your homework? -i was doing my homework at 9pm. it was quite easy!

how many english lessons have you had this week? -only one. our teacher is ill.

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