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Глагол, который выражает необходимость что-то сделать из-за обстоятельств и заменяет must в времени промогите

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we have the hottest days are in july 2. the more i read , the more i know 3. march is not as cold as the february 4. mathematics is the most difficult thing in the institute 5. university of farther from my home than school 6. today, as cold as yesterday 7. better late than never 8. this film is as interesting as the one 9. anya best student in the group 10. uk less than france 11. i have less time today than yesterday 12. this phone is cheaper but worse 13. my son is two years older than my daughter 14. this is the most important issue today 15. the news is better than those 16. these films are as good as those

Популярно: Английский язык