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Choose the present simple
or the present continious of the verbs
in brackets to complete the dialogues.
– Do you speak (speak) French?
– Just a little.
- ... they ... (speak) French or Russian at
the moment?
– I think they ... (speak) German.
- What kind of books ... you usually ...
– I usually ... (read) detective stories and
stories about adventures.
- What book ... you ... (read) at the
- I ... (read) a story by Mark Twain.
A very good one.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Так как не указано, куда вставить слова: have ставится при местоимениях they, we, you: they have got a pan has ставится при местоимениях he, she, it: she has got a pan вот еще примеры: have: we have got a dog. they have got a paper. you have got a pan has: he has got a dog. she has got a paper. it has got a pan напомню: если стоит местоимение i, ста вится am: i am cooking.

Популярно: Английский язык