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1) The petrol is very expensive in this country.
2) I'm not very interested in the science, but I enjoy learning a new language.
3) A football match we watched last night was very exciting and my team won!
4) I went to good sports club when I was on holiday.
5) The vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet. 6) I was so embarrassed in the meeting yesterday when I realised phone that was ringing was in my bag!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) petrol is very expensive in this country.

2) I'm not very interested in  science, but I enjoy learning a new language.

3) The football match we watched last night was very exciting and my team won!

4) I went to a good sports club when I was on holiday.

5) Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet.

6) I was so embarrassed in the meeting yesterday when I realised the phone that was ringing was in my bag!​


падения метеорита в челябинске - это неожиданное и исключительное событие.   это произошло 15 фераля. его была 10 тонн. все вспомнили о тунгусском метеорите, который упал 10 лет назад и тоже в россии. думаю все люди особенно дети в этом момент испугались. к счастью, не было человечиских жертв. в результате падения пострадало только   много зданий. эксперты считают, что это большая удача, что нет человеческих жертв. но я думаю испугалась не только россия но и весь мир. сейчас в интеренете можно найти видео   падения метериорита, его просмотрели уже более 7 миллионов человек. я надеюсь, что больше такого не будет. я думаю, надо каким-то образом научиться предотвращать подобные случаи.

the fall of the meteorite in chelyabinsk is an   unexpected and exceptional event. it happened on the 15th of   february. its   weight   was 10 tons.people remembered the tungus meteorite, which fell 10 years ago in russia. i think all people-especially children-were afraid at this moment   fortunately, there were not human victims. as a result of the fall there were only a lot of damaged buildings. experts believe that it is a big success, that there are no human victims. but i think that not only russain people   were scared   but the whole world was. now in the internet you can find the video of the fall of the meteorite, it was already seen by more than 7 million people. i   hope that there will be no more such event.   i think we need to find the way how to prevent such cases.

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