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Fill in the correct prepositions of the phrasal verbs
1.Please dont talk _ to me like Im a small child. Im sixteen years old.
2.Dont talk__to me like that, Anna! You should show some respect to your elders.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. with

2.with 2.with 2.with 2.with 2.with

1. there .. a telegram on rhe table. 2. . there any telegrams from moscow? - yes ,..some a flight for moskow tomorrow? -yes , there.. 4. snow last winter. 5. there.. lot of stars and planets in space. a lift in your future house? -yes 7.some years ago there many old houses in our steet. there any lectures yesterday? no , a lamp over the table? -yes, there.. any interesting stories in this book ? a test last lesson? -no,.. 12.soon a new film on.

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