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Ответы на вопрос:

1. When does your lesson last?

2. How many lessons did you have?

3. What are you doing?

4. Do you have any examinations this year?

5. When the holiday will start?

6. What were you doing?

7. Are there any problem children in your class?

8. Are all the tests prepared by the teacher?

9. Did your mother come to school?

10. Did you give your test?

Большая семья или шестеро.большую часть выходных мы проводим вместе, гуляя в парке, идя в местный танцевальный клуб или в кино. но есть так мало мест в нашем городе, где вы можете хорошо провести время вместе с семьей. are big family or six.we spend most weekends together walking in the park, going to the local dance club or to the cinema. but there are so few places in our yown where you can have a good time together with a family.  это перевод 3-х предложений

Популярно: Английский язык