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The Kazakh proverb says: "Flowers are only flowers in their meadow," a man in his homeland is a man. " The word contains the age-old secret of the truth about Man and Homeland, carefully guarded from generation to generation. Only the feeling of the Motherland, the comprehension of its unity with it, its involvement in the life and fate of the Fatherland makes us real people.

"Birch cotton" in the north, the mighty pine forests of Borovoe, the golden fields of virgin land, the gray feather grass of the Great Steppe, the mountain masses of Alatau and Tien Shan are all my Kazakhstan. When I was writing an essay about my Motherland in the lower grades, it was these pictures that struck me: the vast expanses, beauty and diversity of the nature of my homeland. I'll never stop admiring them. How special is Nature's mother's favor to the land of Kazakhstan. The poetic heritage of our people contains a lot of fascinating pictures of the beauty of our native land, its vast expanses, snow-white mountain ranges, the azure waters of lakes ... Great akyns sang the beauty and history of the Kazakh land. I was always interested and worried about one story, because without the past there is no future. The people's memory keeps and transmits from generation to generation glorious and tragic events in the life of the Kazakh people. My imagination painted images of glorious batyrs, valiantly defending their homeland. They saw me in the majestic figures of the glorious warriors Karasai and Agyntai - the Batyrs, standing on one of the central squares of the city. Now I'm seventeen, and in the words "My Motherland - Kazakhstan" I'm already putting another meaning. It is not just a beautiful country with an inimitable centuries-old history and culture. Kazakhstan is a young, free, independent state, successfully developing its economy and moving ahead of the road of reforms and reforms to the prosperity and stability of our country. I think the main wealth of any state is its people, their lives, concerns and aspirations, sorrows and joys.

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