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Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 7 – 12 обведите номер (1, 2 или 3), соответствующий верному варианту ответа.

A good girl
On Sunday Lizzie and Kate got up early. Right after breakfast they went shopping with their mum. Lizzie was only six, and Kate was seven but they both liked shopping. There were lots of beautiful clothes in the shops: hats, dresses, blouses and others. Their mother bought a pair of nice shoes for each of them. The girls put the shoes on and came home wearing them.
After lunch their dad went fishing. It was a hot day in the middle of July and the girls wanted to go to the river, too. They liked swimming. ‘OK, you may go,” their mum said. “Be careful in the water. And remember to change your shoes.”
When they were walking through wet grass and mud down to the riverbank, their shoes got dirty. Kate said: “Lizzie! Mum’s going to be very angry with you! She told us to change the shoes and you didn’t!”
“But I did,” Lizzie answered. “These are yours.”

1. Lizzie and Kate went shopping in _______________.
1) the morning 2) the afternoon 3) the evening

2. Kate and Lizzie were _______________.
1) friends 2) classmates 3) sisters

3. It was .
1) summer 2) spring 3) autumn

4. The girls went .
1) fishing 2) swimming 3) diving

5. The girls lived near .
1) the lake 2) the sea 3) the river

6. Lizzie was wearing .
1) her new shoes 2) Kate’s new shoes 3) Kate’s old shoes

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, данные в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 7-18.

Captain Grant’s Letter
Example: My name _is_ (be) Captain Grant.
7. I am on an island in the sea. I _____________________ (not/ know) where the island is.
8. I need help. Please, contact my children. _______________(they) names are William and Peter Grant.
9. William is ________________(old) than Peter.
10. William is a student. He _________________(study) at
London University. He is going to become a doctor.
11. I _______________(get) to this island two months ago. The island is nice and green but I feel very lonely here.
12. I know you are a kind person and you ______________(help) me. Thank you!

13. Вот отрывок письма от английского друга по переписке Неда (Ned):
… Yesterday I had a very nice day in the zoo. Where were you yesterday? What did you see? What did you do? …
Напишите Неду письмо, в котором нужно ответить на его 3 во Не забудьте: 1) обратиться к другу по имени;
2) попрощаться с другом
3) подписать письмо.
Адрес и дату писать не нужно.

14. Student Card
Speak about your spring holidays. Answer 5 questions below to make a story. (Расскажи о своих весенних каникулах. ответь на 5 во приведенных ниже так, чтобы получился рассказ С ТЕСТОМ!!

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Yes, is my football

наверно так

Популярно: Английский язык