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с английским. Заранее А1
- I want to bake a cake but there are ..... apples left. - We have got ..... pears in the bowl. Let's make a pear cake.
1. no/some
2. no/any
3. any/some
- There are just ..... eggs in the fridge. I can't make my favourite omelette. - That's a pity. Make something else instead.
1. some
2. few
3. a few
- Could you lend me ..... money? - Sorry, I haven't got ..... money left myself.
1. any/some
2. some/any
3. a few/any
There's too ..... pepper in this soup. I can't eat it. - Really? I always put ..... pepper in soups.
1. much/much
2. many/a lot of
3. much/a lot of
- Have you got ..... friends? - Oh, yes. I have got ..... friends.
1. many/a lot of
2. a lot of/many
3. much/a lot of
- We've got just ..... cheese left. - Then we should buy ..... when we go to the supermarket.
1. few/some
2. little/some
3. a little/some
- Are there ..... sausages? - Sorry, no. But you can go to the butcher's and buy ..... sausages and beef.
1. many/any
2. any/some
3. some/many
Can I get ..... more water? - Sure.
1. much
2. any
3. some
- How ..... butter do you put in the porridge? - Not much. Just ..... .
1. many/a little
2. much/little
3. much/a little
There's ..... milk left. I can't have my coffee! - Alright. I'll drop in at the supermarket and get ..... milk.
1. a little/some
2. few/some
3. little/some

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