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1. Imagine you are writing a letter to your American or English friend. Tell him / her about life of youth in Ukraine, using the following plan: • the school life of an Ukrainian teenager; extra-school activities; • pastime (favourite sport, music, hobbies of young people); the main activities during summer holidays; youth cultures in our country.

1. Представьте, что вы пишете письмо своему американскому или английскому другу. Расскажите ему / ей о жизни молодежи в Украине, используя следующий план: • школьная жизнь украинского подростка; внешкольные мероприятия; • времяпрепровождение (любимый вид спорта, музыка, увлечения молодежи); основные занятия во время летних каникул; молодежные культуры в нашей стране.

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Dear mr.harrison,     james came back to school on monday and my husband (ask) me to explain the situation to you. james has  just  recovered   from his grippe, but the doctor told me yesterday to keep him home for a few more days to be on the safe side. we hope he has  not  missed anything important since the term began.     we would like to ask you to watch over him for a while and not to let him take part in games or gymnastics for a week until he is well again. james is so keen on games that he will  try to play before he is fit enough unless someone keeps an eye on him.     we have  provided him with all the clothes on the list except the red athletics vests and the blue shorts. he has  already grown out of last year's pair, but we only discovered this yesterday and the local shop did  not  have any in stock. i will  send them by post as soon as i buy some. we were very happy that james took to boarding-school life so well last year and we trust he will  continue to be happy this  year. we both are very grateful to you for being so helpful last year and look forward to having another talk with you when we  come to the parent-teacher meeting next month.     yours sincerely, k. williams

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