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Test 5
A. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
It was July and Rob and Ellie were very excited. They had just finished their exams and they were about to go on the holiday of a lifetime. They had decided not to spend their holiday relaxing on a beach or lying by a pool. This year they wanted a real adventure, so they planned to spend two weeks travelling in Morocco. The highlight of the trip was going to be a two-day camel ride in the Sahara Desert.
The friends began their trip in Ouarzazate, a beautiful city at the edge of the Sahara Desert. First, the friends visited the city’s famous market to pick up some traditional headscarves to protect them from the hot sun. Then, it was time to meet the two local guides and the six large camels, who would take them deep into the desert. At first, the friends found riding the camels terrifying. They were so tall and they were sure they would fall off. But, as they continued their journey, they began to get used to the camel’s strange rhythm and they could relax and enjoy the amazing desert landscape.
After they had ridden for several hours, the sun began to set. The clouds turned bright orange and red and it looked like the sky was on fire. The guides stopped and began to put up their tents while Ellie and Rob stood looking at the sky in wonder. For dinner later that evening, the guides prepared a traditional Moroccan Tajine. As Ellie and Rob were having this delicious meal, they watched the dark sky fill with bright stars. “I’ve never seen so many stars in my life,” said Ellie, “It’s wonderful”. Rob, on the other hand, felt a little afraid. The desert was so still and so quiet.
The next day, they set off on their camels again. The heat of the desert made the journey exhausting. In the afternoon, they finally arrived in the small town of Tazzarine. Both Rob and Ellie were extremely happy to get off their camels and go to their hotel for a cool shower. As they said goodbye to their guides, Ellie thought that the desert experience had been exciting for stone night, but she was happy to be at the hotel. It had certainly been an adventure!

1. Rob and Ellie went to Morocco to relax.
2. Rob and Ellie bought souvenirs in Ouarzazate.
3. Rob and Ellie were frightened because the camels were so big.
4. Rob and Ellie were amazed by the evening sky.
5. Rob was frightened by strange sounds at night.
6. Rob and Ellie were relieved to finish riding the camels.
7. Ellie wished she could stay longer in the desert.​

B. Choose the correct word.
1. All the plants are dying because of the ........ .
A earthquake B hurricane C tornado D drought
2. The charity ........ money to help the poor.
A supports B raises C achieves D issues
3. Ocean ........ move pollution around in the water.
A slopes B surfaces C currents D floods
4. The scientists monitor the animals in their natural ........ .
A house B nest C location D habitat
5. Sea turtles ........ their eggs on sandy beaches.
A lay B record C monitor D observe
6. The county ........ from floods every year.
A rebuilds B suffers C challenges D destroys
7. The city has warned people not to swim in the ........ lake.
A affected B polluted C injured D endangered
8. They pulled out many survivors from the ........ .
A rubble B village C forest D habitat
9. They often ........ donations to charities.
A do B make C supply D record
10. The rescue ........ has begun searching for survivors.
A campaign B project C team D camp

C. Circle the correct item.
1. The tsunami / hurricane swept some houses out to sea.
2. The athlete has set a new world champ / record.
3. The boy walked around barefoot and had upset / sore feet.
4. They raised / put up posters for the charity event.
5. The girl fell and was in a lot of physical pain / ache.

D. Circle the correct item.
1. Several buildings ........ during the earthquake last week.
A have collapsed B collapsed C have been collapsing
2. It hasn’t rained ........ three weeks.
A yet B for C since
3. John ........ as a rescue worker since 2009.
A has been working B was working C worked
4. Frank ........ back from Pakistan.
A has just come B have just come C just come
5. James has ........ volunteered for a charity.
A ever B never C yet
6. Tom isn’t here. He ........ to the beach.
A had gone B went C has gone
7. The children ........ lots of exotic animals at the zoo yesterday.
A have seen B saw C had seen
8. Have you ever........ to Australia?
A go B gone C been
9. She ……. tennis well before she broke her arm.
A could play B play C has played
10. I ………Liam for three weeks. Is he Ok?
A didn’t see B haven’t seen C hasn’t seen

E. Listening
МЭО: Занятие 18, урок 1- Listening “The wonders of nature” - выполнить 2 задания после аудирования Complete the table, T/F).

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