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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Did you meet Sam last night?

2.I saw an interesting film yesterday.

3. What did you have for breakfast today?

4. How many books did you buy?

5. Pall found a wallet on the bus stop yesterday.

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Colored eggs symbolize the resurrection, a new life and are present in many customs, one of which is the most famous - the exchange of Easter eggs.

The largest Easter egg in the world is the one located in the city of Vegreville, in the province of Alberta (Canada). The weight of this egg is almost 2 tons, and the length is about 8 meters!

Easter greeting (christianization) is a common practice among Christians to greet each other on the first day of Easter with a joyful exclamation “Christ is risen” and to answer “Truly is risen!” Tradition itself dates back to apostolic times. Greetings with the words "Christ is risen!" expresses a joy similar to the joy of the apostles who learned about the resurrection (return to life) of Christ.

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