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по английскому очень!Write out all sports from the text that Azamat does every week. (Выписать все виды
спорта, которыми занимается Азамат в течение недели).это нужно на сегодня

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Ответы на вопрос:

Shall i go to the cinema tomorrow? i shall not go to the cinema tomorrow. shall we get up very early tomorrow? we shall not get up very early tomorrow. will he go to the country on business next week? he will not go to the country on business next week. will you see her next sunday? you will not(=won`t) see her next sunday. will they bring the record-player in the evening? they won`t bring the record-player in the evening shall we listen to the new records? we shall not listen to the new records. а вообще  shall сейчас не используется, в современном языке только  will

Популярно: Английский язык