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Упражнения на местоимения MUCH и MANY.
1 Заполни таблицу, исчисляемые сущ-е поставь во множественное число:

boys water

Box, honey, pen, friend, milk, book, fish, apple, car, bread, tea, potato, tree, butter, forest, coffee, tomato, sweet, meat, orange, ice, carrot, cheese.

2 Выбери правильное окончание данных предложений.:
1. How … meat must dogs eat? (many, much, a lot of)
2. Horses must eat (much, many ,a lot of) carrots.
3. Girls mustn’t eat (much, many, a lot of) sweets.
4. Cats must eat (much, many, a lot of) milk.
5. How … vegetables must children eat?(much, many, a lot of)
6. Do the farmers eat (much, many, a lot of) eggs?

3 Вместо пропусков вставь much или many:
1. …people want to see this play.
2. I don`t drink … mineral water.
3. Hurry up! (поторопись!) You haven`t … time.
4. He hasn`t … friends in London.
5. Dima and I have … work to do today. (сегодня).
6. I haven`t … apples.
7. They have … information about it. (об этом).

4 Заполни таблицу, исчисляемые сущ-е поставь во множественное число:

water dresses

Song, head, milk, man, book, coffee, flower, bread, hen, house, corn(кукуруза), grandmother, ice, car, pen, name, money(деньги), lamp, work(работа), dog, star, sweet, time, telephone, air(воздух), picture, cheese, vegetable.

5 Выбери и вставь правильное местоимение: Little или Few. Переведи на русский язык.

1. He has … friends.
2. I drink … green tea.
3. We must hurry (торопиться). We have … time.
4. Misha has … English books.
5. The Smiths(семья Смитов) have … money. They aren`t rich.
6. … bears are in the Zoo.
7. We have … light (свет) in the room(комната), and I can`t read.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. walt disneywas the of mickey mouse.  create  2. this gardenis very in summer.  colour 3. we were late to the theatre and missed  the the play. begin 4. your handsare - go and wash them!   dirt 5. he laughed as he didn’t know what to say.  nervous

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