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3. Напишите уравнения реакций, позВОЛЯЮЩИх осуществить следу
ющие превращения:
Си — CuO = CuSO-Cu(OH), — CuCI, – Cu;
Zn – ZnO - ZnSO - Zn(OH), — NaZnO,,
Р—Р,0 -Н,PO - Na, PO – Ca(РО),
Mg - MgO - X-Mg(OH), MgCI, — Mg(NO).​

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Dinner was served an hour ago.tangerines don't cost much.she bought a sack of grain.do you like toasts for breakfast? some cereals have too much added sugar. a big packet of crisp is what tom is dreaming about. we ate the whole can of beans. there are two loaves of bread on the table. i've got a chocolate bar.a carton of milk would be nice now.she cut a sliver of cheese with a sharp knife.

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