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1. Соедини фразовые глаголы в левой колонке с их значением в правой колнке

Оформлять ответ так: 1-а

1. to put down

2. to put off

3. to put up (with)

4.to put on

5.to put out

a. to stop something burning

b. to dress yourself

c. to write something down

d. to make something happen later

e. to accept an unpleasant situation, behaviour or somebody even if you don’t like them

2. Составь предложения.Используй следующие предлоги:

About /after/ at/ for/ over /to

Оформлятьответтак: 1-about

1.Your pets will be looked ________when you are away.

2. The clown is so funny. His tricks are always laughed ______

3. This film is much spoken __________

4. Alice has a high temperature. The doctor must be sent ______

5. Your project will be thought ______ and discussed later

6. Miss Loveday is a very good speaker and she is always listened ______

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Ответы на вопрос:

He didn't recognize his home town. It had been rebuilt after the war

Популярно: Английский язык